CompliLearn Creating Awards

Awards are a convenient tool for bundling training to assign to staff. Content can be reused across multiple Awards.

Award Edit Screen

Click to add Award title: add a title that succinctly describes your Award for Learners and reporting

About this Award: add a description to your Award, including any instructions for completion for your staff. (We recommend including instructions that staff need to enrol in the Award.)

Add image: we recommend a 300Wx125H pixel image, without defined edges and avoiding text

Select a Goal for this Award

Award edit screen

Complete Any

  • Users must pick one course from a list
  • No further settings

Example: provide a selection of courses on a topic and require staff to pick one that matches their situation best

Reach the Target

  • Set an Award target
  • Set the target unit of measurement. The default is 'credit'. Alternatives include 'hours', 'points' etc.
  • The target should be equal to or less than the total credits awarded to the contents (see below)
  • External learning record: enable if staff are completing training outside of your portal and are being provided with a certificate as proof of completion. The credits for the record should be stated in the Award description. (e.g. Your certificate of completion is worth 50 credits.)
  • Moderate external learning records: if you wish to review every external learning record that is uploaded, set to yes. 
  • Example: nine child protection courses worth 10 credits each with an Award target of 90 credits. Staff must complete all courses to complete the Award.
  • Example: one general mental health course worth 50 credits, four specific topic courses each worth 10 credits, with an Award target of 60 credits. Staff must complete the main course and one other to complete the Award.
  • If the total number of credits assigned to content is:
    • less than the Award target, users will not be able to complete the Award
    • greater than the Award target, users may choose which content to complete to reach the Award target
    • equal to the Award target, users must complete all content to complete the Award.

Track Ongoing Learning

  • There is no target.
  • Unit of measurements: see 'Reach the Target'
  • External learning record: see 'Reach the Target'
  • Moderate external learning records: see 'Reach the Target'

Example: No content is added to the Award. Staff are encouraged to upload all training certificates.
Example: Content is added over time as it is created or becomes relevant.

Be aware: When being assigned an Award staff are not automatically assigned to the content or courses in an Award. The Award structure can be set to allow staff to pick and choose which courses to complete, although a common method is to use credits to require that staff complete all the content. Only when a staff member chooses Enrol in a course/learning item will the system register their progress. Therefore, when reporting on completions or outstanding training, always run reports on the Award, not on the individual courses.

Add Content

Content can be learning resources, courses or other Awards.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Click +Add Content.
  2. Search for and add the relevant content.
  3. Assign the required number of credits to the content added.
  4. Click Reorder to drag and drop content in a different order. Staff may complete training in any order, but are more likely to complete in the order it is presented.

Be aware: using the search option will un-select all previously ticked content.

Nested Awards

Awards can be added to other Awards. It is important to consider the credits required for any nested Awards and add them to the target for the main Award. 

Example: Award for New Staff induction can include multiple courses but may also include another Award such as Child Protection or OHS Award.