CompliLearn Creating Courses

Watch the Video - Creating Courses

Courses are the most common form of learning content as they can combine various types of media (video, documents, weblinks) and can include formal assessment of learning.

There are three steps to creating a course:

  1. Create the course
  2. Create the modules
  3. Create the learning resources

1. Create the Course

To begin creating the course, add an image, a title and a description. 

Only the title is mandatory. The image and the description can be added at a later time if required.

Upload image:

We recommend an image that is 300Wx125H pixels with no defined edges and minimal or no text. This image is used throughout the system.

This is optional. If no image is included, a grey blank box will be used on course cards once published. The course overview screen will have no image and display a plain colour banner, based on your portal theme colour.


Provide a clear name that succinctly describes your resource for Learners and for reporting.


Describe your learning resource, including any instructions for Learners. 

Click Create Note: (The course will default as Private to the Author until published).

The Structure screen will appear by default, ready to create the sections of the course content.

Click Details.

Note: The Details screen can be filled out immediately or at any time prior to publishing.


Indicate how long it is expected that the training will take the average Learner. This is currently limited to more than 1 hour.


This can be left blank (if it is used for commercial training).


Add key words for searching in the Explore screen.


If your resource is in another language, change from English.


The default is the account creating the resource. Other or additional authors can be added. Authors may receive some notifications about enrolments in their resources.

2. Create Modules

Modules provide separation of course content, similar to chapters in books. They have no inherent training. One module is added to all courses when they are created.

How to Edit Existing Module Titles

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. In Course Edit mode, click Structure
  2. Click Module 1 (left-hand panel)
  3. Click Edit (right-hand panel)
  4. Rename the module and add a description (optional)
  5. Click Done

How to Add New Modules

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Click +Add (left-hand panel)
  2. Select Module
  3. Type in a Module name
  4. Click Enter or +Creating [Module Name] Module to save
  5. Edit the title and add a description (optional; right-hand panel)
  6. Click Done

If you wish to force users to complete training in set order, you can combine your module structure with completion rules. Refer to CompliLearn Linear Progression for more details.

3a. Create Learning Resources

Step-by-Step Guide

In the left-hand panel:

  1. Click +Add to add the learning resource to the end of your course or +Add Learning to add it to the module you are in
  2. Click the relevant learning resource type
  3. Type in the name of the learning resource (all learning resources show separately in the reporting; we recommend unique names for each learning resource, e.g. instead of "Quiz", use "HR Quiz"; instead of "Document", use "HR Briefing" etc.)
  4. Click Enter or +Create [resource title]

Click the learning resource name in the left-hand panel to select it, then in the right-hand panel:

  1. Click the three-dot button (next to Edit) to update content completion settings
  2. Click Edit to open the editor for the learning resource type

On the Learning Resource edit screen:

  1. Enter a description (optional; see Edit screen in learning resource below for more information).
  2. Enter the details required for the learning resource. Refer to CompliLearn Creating Learning Resources for information on specific Learning Resource settings.
  3. Click Save and Exit
  4. Click the back button or the course title to move back to Course/Structure screen
  5. Add/edit additional learning items as required

Learning items and modules can be reordered at any time by dragging them into place. Hover over the left-hand side of the item's name until your cursor changed from an arrow to a hand, then click and drag.

Refer to CompliLearn Content Types and CompliLearn Creating Learning Resources for more information on Learning Resource settings.

Refer to CompliLearn Events for information adding Events to your courses.

3b. Add Existing Learning Resources

Learning items created for other courses or as stand-alone resources can be added to new courses.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. In Course Edit mode, on the Course/Structure screen, click a module name
  2. In the right-hand panel, click the X in the top left-hand corner
  3. Search for and select the learning resource to be added to your course
  4. Drag and drop the learning resource into the correct module in the left-hand panel

Note: quizzes and questions cannot be shared between courses.

Edit Screen in Learning Resources

The Learning resource edit screen has some basic principles in common, regardless of the learning resource type.


The flashing icon in the white section under "Details" (can be difficult to see on some screens) indicates the description field (for Text learning resources this is the body of your learning resource). When you begin typing in this area, a text formatting toolbar will appear.

Adding a Description to a Learning Resource