Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Although the process is referred to as a "bulk" upload, the user upload file can be used to both create or update a single user record, or as many user records as required.

Note: When a User is created in the portal they will automatically receive a system generated 'Welcome' Email (if turned on). See CompliLearn Optional Automated Notifications for more information. 

How to Bulk Create Users

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to Administer>Users

  2. Click the ... (three-dot) button next to the +Create button

  3. Select Import

  4. The Import User pop up screen displays.  In the bottom left hand corner is the option to download a sample CSV file.  Although the template rarely changes, we recommend that you download this template each time to ensure that you have the correct data columns

  5. Using the guide below, copy and paste data into the respective fields within the spreadsheet.

  6. Save your file as a "CSV".
  7. In the portal, on the Upload User popup window, click the file button to browse your computer for the file (or drag and drop the file onto the window).
  8. Use the preview to check the information is correct.
  9. Click Import.

Bulk Upload File Format

The bulk upload file is a .CSV file with the following headings. Headings are case sensitive and must be the order shown.


First Name

Last Name





Employee ID

Email: This is the unique identifier in the portal. If an email address does not already exist in the portal, a new account will be created. Email addresses must be valid and current.

Note: Any new email address in the file will create a new account, so a misspelled email address in the CSV file will result in a new user being created.

Be aware: if you are using, or plan to use, single sign on you must obtain your email addresses from your Active Directory. Please see the 'SSO Auto Provisioning' section on the Login Options page for more information.

First Name: The first name of a learner. We recommend avoiding initials to assist in reporting. 

Last Name: The last name of a learner.  

Status: In the bulk upload the status is indicated by:

  • 1 = Active

  • 0 or blank = Inactive/Blocked 

Noteusers should not be created as inactive. Existing users can be set to inactive using the bulk upload process.

Roles: All staff should be listed as “Learner”. Additional roles (Content administrator, Manager) should be separated with a vertical line (i.e. | ) . Roles are case sensitive. See Roles for more details about each role.  This is an overwrite field so care should be taken not to inadvertently change user roles.

Manager: If assigning manager(s) in the bulk upload file:

Groups: If assigning group(s) in the bulk upload file:

Employee ID: This is an optional field that you can use for cross-referencing with other systems you may use (e.g. HR or Staff Information Systems). The field has no limitations (e.g. can use letters, numbers or other characters).

Vertical line ( | ) - this symbol is usually located above the Enter key on your keyboard. Ensure there are no spaces either side of the line, e.g. 123|456 not 123 | 456.

We strongly recommend that a copy of each bulk upload file is saved for your records. This enables easy tracing of any issues that may arise with your users.

Updating User Information

The bulk upload process can be used to update information for users already in the system. The table below shows how new information (i.e. different information to that already in the system) and blank cells are treated by the upload file.


New information

Blank cells


Creates a new account

Cannot be left blank

First name

Replaces existing information

Cannot be left blank

Last name

Replaces existing information

Cannot be left blank


Replaces existing informationSets

user to inactiveCannot be left blank


Replaces existing informationLeaves existing data

Cannot be left blank


Replaces existing information

Leaves Cannot be left blank if there is existing data


Adds without changing Replaces existing informationLeaves existing data

Cannot be left blank

Employee ID

Replaces existing information

Leaves Cannot be left blank if there is existing data

Bulk Upload Users

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Upload template review

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