STB Excursion Details

In the Excursion Details section, please include the: 

  1. Excursion Name - Type the name of the excursion
  2. Excursion Type - Select the type of excursion

There are three (3) excursion types all excursions categorise into.

They are:

  • Day Excursions – A Day Excursion is a one-off excursion that does not involve an overnight stay. A Day Excursion can range from an excursion that takes a few hours through to a full day trip and includes activities that occur on School premises (i.e. incursions).
  • Overnight Excursions – An Overnight Excursion is an excursion that involves one or more overnight stays within Australia.
  • International Excursions – An International Excursions is any excursion that requires international travel.

If the Excursion type is Day Excursion or Overnight Excursion, a third drop-down will appear for these Excursion types only.

3. Excursion Destination – select the jurisdiction where the Excursion is taking place

The drop-down defaults to your School’s jurisdiction. If you are not going interstate, leave the drop-down as the School’s jurisdiction. If you are going interstate, select the jurisdiction you are travelling to. If you are travelling interstate, STB will show content for your School’s jurisdiction and the jurisdiction you are travelling to, where there is specific content for both jurisdictions.


If you are accessing SafeTripBuilder via PlanCheckGo or one of our technology partners, the Excursion Name will automatically populate.


If I am a school from NSW going to ACT (or other states) and doing an activity, which content applies?


It is our view that you can (now with this new feature) and should review and consider the content from your destination State. In some situations schools from interstate will be required to meet different standards and legal and regulatory requirements that apply in their destination State. Some of these differences may be the destination State education department guidelines that would generally not apply to an interstate school, while other differences may be relate to legal and regulatory requirements that may well apply to a school visiting from another State.  It is important that schools be aware of these differences and act accordingly.

For more information please see our School Governance Article "Cross-border Excursions in the COVID-19 ‘New-Normal’ Environment" here.
