WA Registration Module & Child Protection Modules Update - May 2020


CompliSpace has completed the review and update to your content in line with the 2020 WA Registration Standards and the 2020 Guide to Registration Standards and Other Requirements For Non-Government Schools.

The update includes a restructure of the School Registration Module, and update for changed obligations. Additionally, due to the changed Standard 10: Child Abuse Prevention requirements to comply with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, published by the Australia Human Rights Commission, a significant re-write of the Child Protection Module was required.

For more information about the Registration Standards and Guide update, including the requirements of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, please refer to our Briefing Paper and our School Governance Articles:

The Briefing Paper includes a Summary of Changes table that explains the key changes to the Standards.

New Child Protection Content

To enable your school to comply with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (National Principles), the Child Protection Module required a significant upgrade. Additionally, for Catholic schools, the Catholic Professional Standards Ltd. (CPSL) National Child Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) are now in effect. This means that CompliSpace now offers a Non-Catholic Program compliant with the National Principles, and a Catholic Program that is compliant with the National Principles and the NCSS.

Contextualising the Updated Content

As you have already contextualised your content however, most of the tailoring will be automatically transferred across to the new Module.

Your Welcome to CompliSpace Module has been updated to include any new Variables and Context Keys resulting from the update to your Child Protection and School Registration Modules. This way you can simply navigate to these sections in the Welcome to CompliSpace Module and complete the new Keys that are highlighted Orange, and Variables that are yet to be set.

For reference, the new Variables to be answered Yes/No in your Context Library are listed below:

What to Answer (Yes/No)

What to Search for in the Context Library

Does your school a provide boarding for students?


Is your school part of a group of schools?


Has your school implemented its own Child Safe Standards Framework, above and beyond the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations?


Does your school provide services for overseas students?


Has your school been granted any exemptions from the registration standards?


Does your school want to use the CompliSpace Template Student Code of Conduct?


Does your school provide Distance Education?


Is your school a Catholic school?


Does your school want to use the CompliSpace Template Boarders Code of Conduct? (Select no if not a boarding school)



Are staff at the school subject to some form or probationary period?


Is your school’s Senior CPO, or similar, also the Principal?


Other than on the school’s public website, and in hard copy to workers, does the school publish the Child Safe Policy through any other methods?


Does the school provide Child Protection training to Direct Contact Contractors?


Does the school provide Child Protection training to Regular Volunteers?


Does the school provide Child Protection training to Regular Contractors?


Does the school engage in screening and suitability processes when recruiting Regular Volunteers?


Does the school engage in screening and suitability processes when recruiting Regular Contractors?


Does the school develop job descriptions and/or duty statements for Regular Volunteers?



Does the school develop job descriptions and/or duty statements for Regular Contractors?


Does the school require those who are not legally required to hold a WWCC to provide a Statutory Declaration that they have no offences that would disqualify them from applying for a WWCC?


Does your school wish to nominate a member of your Board/Council to be a designated ‘Child Safe Champion’ that is responsible for ensuring that a child safe culture is prioritised, modelled and championed at the Board/Council level?


Does your school wish to use the CompliSpace Student Code of Conduct?


Does the school engage with the community, and promote engagement activities that encourage whole of community awareness of child safety and protection?


Does your school wish to use the CompliSpace Template Child Safety Reporting Form?


Is the school in a community/rural setting?


Is a National Police Certificate required as part of employment screening?


If staff are exempt from obtaining a WWCC, are they still required to provide a National Police Certificate?


Are staff who, are required to provide a National Police Check at the commencement of their employment, required to provide an updated NPC every 5 years?


Does the school require ALL staff to hold a current WWC Card as a matter of best practice?


Are employees permitted to commence work whilst their WWCC is pending?


Does the school itself provide Child Protection training to Contractors at the school? (If the school requires Contractors to participate in training outside of the school, select No)


Is the Principal the Employing Authority for the purposes of making notices under the TRBW Act?


Does the school implement the Records Retention & Disposal Schedule for Non-Government Schools, published by the Australian Society of Archivists?


Will you use the CompliSpace provided Program Breach Reporting Form Template?


 If you require further advice on how to answer these new Variables and Context Keys, please contact your CompliSpace Consultant.