PolicyConnect Release Notes – v51 March 2021

What’s Included in this Release?


What's New?

The CompliSpace Policy Product Team has been beavering away on building out a new experience for our customers who are using PolicyConnect to further enable excellence in policy, governance and risk management practices.

This release includes the ability to now add your own Policy or Procedure to a CompliSpace Module to ensure your Policy and Content can be fully contextualised to your environment and specific needs. To enable this feature you must first publish all pending updates for the CompliSpace Module you wish to add a page to.

Based on customer feedback we know some CompliSpace customers have requested the ability to make additional changes to their CompliSpace policy because even with the contextualisation option the wording isn't quite what they need / do at their organisation. However, they want to use it as a starting point to build from. With this new feature you will be able to switch off the page from CompliSpace, insert your own page, and then copy and paste the CompliSpace contents into your own page. You will then be able to make that policy exactly how you need it to be, whilst retaining your compliant and maintained CompliSpace policy in the background to refer to over time.

Another scenario our PolicyConnect customers are looking to solve is they want to add some more specific procedures/work instructions for their team to refer to. This feature will make it easy to insert that information in the right location within the CompliSpace Module.

This release also includes some enhancements to your user experience in content management actions.

1. Add a user generated page within a CompliSpace module

Feature Summary:

This feature enables PolicyConnect Administrators to add user generated pages of content within CompliSpace modules.

As a Group Administrator you can also publish the addition of these pages to all of your PolicyConnect sites from your Parent PolicyConnect site.


  1. Log into your PolicyConnect site

  2. Click into Administration View

  3. Accept all updates for the module you wish to add a page to

  4. Enable Draft Mode

  5. Hover on the page you want to add a page to

  6. Select the ‘create a child page’ + icon, your new page will be added to the bottom of this section and will be named as a date stamp

  7. Click on this page heading to edit it

  8. Add in your school specific content and click save

  9. Publish according to these instructions.


2. Publish my new page

Feature Summary:

This feature enables PolicyConnect Administrators the ability to publish their user generated pages within a CompliSpace module.


  1. Click into Administration View

  2. After making and saving you changes

  3. Click on the Publish Notification Badge

  4. Add your publication notes

  5. Click Publish

  6. View your change in Client User view.



3. Change the order of where my new page appears in my CompliSpace Module

Feature Summary:

This feature enables PolicyConnect Administrators the ability to reorder their user generated pages within the CompliSpace module they have been added to.


  1. Click into Administration View

  2. Click on Settings and Select Content Admin

  3. Click Reorder my Content Tab

  4. Locate your User Generated page and drag it do the destination you want

  5. Click Save

  6. Return Home

  7. Confirm your Page is now located where you want it.


4. Ability as a Group Administrator to publish my new page to all my sites from my Parent Site.

Feature Summary:

This feature enables PolicyConnect Group Administrators to publish added page to all child sites using the Group Publish feature.


  1. Click into Administration View

  2. After making and saving you changes

  3. Click on the Publish Notification Badge

  4. Add your publication notes (if you choose publish notification only this os the message your site administrators will see when then click to review and publish your update)

  5. Choose which type of publish you want to complete and click Publish

    1. Publish notification message only - your site administrators will click to review this notification and then publish themselves)

    2. Publish and Accept all changes for all sites (your changes will automatically appear across all sites)

  6. View your change on one of your child sites refer to 4.1 View Parents New Page;

    1. Client User view (if you chose to Publish and accept updates) or,

    2. Client Administrator view (if you chose Publish notification message only) on one of your child sites

4.1 View Parents New Page Addition on a Child Site


5. Ability as a Group Administrator to change the order of where my new page appears in my CompliSpace module and publish this change to all sites

Feature Summary:

This feature enables PolicyConnect Group Administrators the ability to publish a newly added page to all child sites. The Group Administrator can also Publish the page reorder to all of your PolicyConnect sites from your Parent PolicyConnect site.


  1. Go to the Publish notification for the module you wish to publish

  2. Enter a publication note/ briefing note for child site administrators

  3. Choose which type of publication you want to complete:

    1. Publish only (Child Site Administrators will need to accept and publish changes)

    2. Publish and Accept changes for all child sites

  4. Click Publish

  5. Go to the site settings (gear wheel icon)

  6. Navigate to the Content Admin

  7. Select the ‘Reorder my content’ tab

  8. Drag and drop the pages in to the relevant order

  9. Choose which type of publication you want to complete:

    1. Publish only (Child Site Administrators will need to accept and publish changes)

    2. Publish and Accept changes for all child sites

  10. Click Publish

Related How to knowledge guides:

6. Ability to turn off a whole module

Feature Summary:

This feature will enable PolicyConnect administrators the ability to hide the visibility of entire modules from the navigation menu in client user view.


  1. Ensure you are in administrator view

  2. Navigate to the module you wish to hide from general user view

  3. Turn off ALL pages under the menu heading

  4. Select ‘Save’


Bug Fixes

  • Link fix for encoded links

  • Expanding modules when viewing another module


What's Coming Next Quarter (FY21 Q4 - April to June 2021)?

The Policy Product Team is now focusing on on the following initiatives, which we look forward to sharing with you in the coming quarter:

1. Ability to provide a public link to a policy/page from your PolicyConnect site.

2. An improved experience with the update comparison screen when previewing updates from CompliSpace.

3. It’s important to us that you always have a great experience with our products and the CompliSpace Policy Product Team is focused on general performance improvements in every sprint of work we do.

How Can We Support You?

Would you like to know more about the improvements outlined in this release? Perhaps you would like to let us know about your experience with PolicyConnect? Please reach out to your CompliSpace Consulting Team should you require support with your PolicyConnect site.


Please continue to provide your valuable user feedback directly to the CompliSpace Policy Product Team through our user feedback form.