Requesting Credentials


Following are the steps to request credentials from an Entity (Contractor or Service Provider) using a Cleaning Contract as an example.

Step-By-Step Guide


Navigate to the Contract Register.

Choose the relevant Contract (eg Cleaning Contract).

Click on the Credentials tab.

Select the credentials you would like to request by ticking the box next to the Eligibility Criteria or if you would like to select all the criteria select the tick box above the Entity or Service Provider.

Then click Request Credentials.

A pop up box will appear and you will need to input the date by which they need to respond.

The nominated admin person of the Entity or Service Provider will now get sent an email with a link where they need to upload their credentials and complete Credential details and Renewal date (if required.
Once the supplier has submitted the credentials they will receive a receipt that they can export to a PDF if they need.

Your Credential request/s will be visible under the View Credential Requests tab.