Hierarchy fields are used to set up the possible responses in a tree structure. The field is created the same as any other, but you cannot set up the responses when creating the field like you can with Single and Multi Select fields.

Step-By-Step Guide


Note:  Below are specific steps for creating a Hierarchy Field, go to how to create a new field to see all steps.

  1. Within the New Field screen, complete the Name and Instructions (if needed).
    Choose Hierarchy as the Field Type and click Create.

  2. Click on the newly created Field within either the Field Library or specific Template, Field tab.

  3. An Add Field Answers screen will appear.  Type the top level answers in the Hierarchy and click Add.

  4. To add the next layer under the top level answers, click +New.  Choose the top level answer as the Parent and type each answer on a new line, click Add.

  5. Repeat step 4 for each top level answer.