How to Log Feedback for SafeTripBuilder (STB) using the Product Board

This guide outlines how to log SafeTripBuilder feedback only. The following support requests need to be directed to your implementation Project Manager, Client Relationship Manager or the Help Desk:

  • Technical queries/issues i.e not able to login 

  • Questions 

  • Bugs 


  1. Login to SafeTripBuilder.

  2.  Click the Feedback icon. This will load SafeTripBuilder’s Product Feedback Portal.  

  3. In the bottom left-hand corner, click the blue ‘+’ icon. 

  4. Type in your Feedback in the textbox.

  5. Give your feedback an importance rating (Nice To Have, Important or Critical) by clicking on the applicable rating.

    Keep a balanced view when answering how important it is to you.

  6. Enter in your email address and Click ‘Submit’.

  7. You will receive an email from Please check your junk mail folder if you have not received the email in your inbox within 15 minutes.  

  8. Open the email and Click ‘Confirm email’.

  9. Your feedback has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed by the Product Team.


Important Note: Submitted feedback will not be responded to directly. If you have questions relating to your specific feedback, please reach out to your implementation Project Manager or Client Relationship Holder. Ideas that have been prioritised will appear in the “Under Consideration” tab.

Examples of Feedback that should be submitted on the Product Board

  • It would be great for our School if SafeTripBuilder covered Flying a Plane as a supported Activity Risk under activities because we do this activity once a quarter.

  • We need to see content for both our home jurisdiction and for locations where we go interstate for our Day or Overnight excursions.

The top tabs are organised as follows: 

  1. Ideas – These are conceptual ideas broken up into logical functions of SafeTripBuilder. We use these portal cards to inspire new ideas on the product or you can dive straight in and submit feedback as outlined below. 

  2. Under Consideration - Once feedback has been received, we categorise it or create new features and may appear here once we are starting to consider working on it.

  3. In Progress - These are features or enhancements that we are currently working on . 

  4. Released – These are features or enhancements that have been released. 

Feedback FAQ

How is my feedback processed? 

Feedback that we receive comes into our insights inbox that the product team reviews. We process this and link either to any relevant existing features or we create a new feature and link the feedback to it if one does not already exist. We capture your message that you input as well as the selected impact. This gets used in our prioritisation process as outlined below. We often receive similar feedback from more than one client.

How are features prioritised? 

For each and every piece of feedback we receive, we prioritise features based on several factors including whether we receive similar feedback from multiple people across the same or different clients. We then assess the business impact and what part the business it will add value to. 

How can I see progress of feedback that I have submitted?

Once you submit feedback we review and assign to an existing feature card or create a new card as mentioned above. A feature card that you see on the feedback portal can represent a specific feature or a larger area like Custom Content. If a feature card is created or your feedback is linked, we can provide feedback directly to your from that feature card if we have any updates.

What should not be submitted on the Product Board? 

  • Technical queries/issues i.e not able to login 

  • Questions 

  • Bugs 

These queries types of queries will not be responded to. They need to be directed to your implementation Project Manager, Client Relationship Manager or the Help Desk.