How do I assign one Checklist to multiple users?

Checklists can be bulk assigned to multiple users.

Step-By-Step Guide

To bulk assign a Checklist to multiple users, click on Assign Checklist either through the Checklist list screen Ellipses or through the Checklist Details or Assignment tab.

On the Quick Assign screen, click on Bulk Assignment.

There are three different options for adding users to be assigned:

  • Selecting users normally, this can include Lite Users.

  • Selecting users by business unit. Selecting a business unit will add all users in that business unit to the bulk assignment.

  • Select all Lite Users.

Then choose the Due Date for the assignments and select Repeat if those assignments need to repeat for a certain frequency. The assignments can also be linked to Risks and Hazards. Then click Next.

A window will display for review of each of the assignments before they are created. If a particular assignment is not needed, click on the rubbish bin next to the assignment to remove.

The Business Units or Linked Registers & Forms for each individual assignment can also be adjusted from this screen.

Once all of the settings are complete click Create Assignments and Assurance will begin assigning the checklist to the users.


The window will change to show you a blue progress bar. 

If during the process you need to cancel the assignments click Abort & Rollback. Doing this will show a warning screen, confirming that you wish to abort the bulk assignment and will remove all of the assignments it has already created and not make any more.

Note: The Assignments can only be aborted during this process, once Assurance has finished assigning all checklist it cannot be undone.

During the assignment you are able to click the x to close the window. Doing this will not stop the assignment, they are done in the background.  But once the assignment is done a notification will show in the top right corner of your screen near your user account details.