The Checklist Library is a repository of all Checklist Questions that are currently being used or are able to be used in Checklists. When you add a field in a Checklist, you are able to either select an existing question from the Checklist Library OR you can create a new question which then becomes available in the library to be used in other templates.

The reason that the Checklist Question Library is important is that it is the central repository of all Checklist Questions. It saves re-entering the same values multiple times. You are able to edit the questions in one place and the change will appear in all of the Checklists that you have used the question in.

Step-By-Step Guide

To view your Checklist Question Library, click on the Gear Wheel to get to the Admin Panel, then under Checklists click on Checklist Question Library.

A list will be displayed showing all the question used in Checklists. It will also show you the Question Category and which checklist/s the field is used in.

You can search for a particular question using the filter options by clicking on the search icon on the search bar. Click on "Add Another filter" to add extra questions.

You can export the question library out to a PDF or spreadsheet using the ellipsis under the search bar.

If you want to include the possible answers for single/multi select questions then you will need to add the Answers column to the search screen. To add the column, click on the ellipsis to reveal "Configure Columns". Click on "Configure columns" and search for "Answers" to add to the fields.